Blog Challenge - Fashion Thoughts
This is a blog challenge post from the group chat late night bloggers. Wednesdays we wear pink and chat on twitter about anything and everything. This chat is not just for bloggers anyone can join in and discuss the random topics. If you want come, join us every Wednesday at 9pm on twitter #LateNightBloggers also known as @LateNightBlogs.

🍁The fall favourite's🍂

When weather change I change so every season is a great opportunity to share some inspirational thoughts. I love the slow change from green to orange to red to brown during the months of autumn.
Fabric Haul 2016 Part 2
Here is the part two of the fabric haul as I mentioned in my previous post. You can read it here Part 1 Fabric haul 2016...

Time is walking
"Do not just sit there and watch a beautiful view. Take a step towards it and enjoy the journey. If you never take a step you will never make it." Annie Omar
Easy Tutorial ✂️How to design neckline✂️♡ Annie Omar Thoughts ♡
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you doing! I hope you are doing well. There are many different neckline styles but In this video I share the basic of any neckline cutting and stitching. I hope you find it helpful. Thank you so much for watching my videos and showing your support. Positive vibes x!
Always ~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O
How you doing! I hope you are doing well. There are many different neckline styles but In this video I share the basic of any neckline cutting and stitching. I hope you find it helpful. Thank you so much for watching my videos and showing your support. Positive vibes x!
Always ~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O
How to cut and stitch a simple trouser
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. Trousers can make in a number of different fabrics, including wool, tweed, linen, crepe, jersey and denim. They can be slightly hard to create because they require many accurate measurements and some dedicated time to design them. In this post, I will share a very simple and easy one way of making the trouser.

Cutting and sewing of any dress/Asian kameez
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How are you doing? I hope you are doing well.
Few weeks back I made a video and a blog post of how I like to take the dress size measurements on a piece of paper and use it for any dress style. This saves a lot of time to cut the dress. Since I made the post I wanted to make another one so I can show the basic sewing of any dress.

💌My Mother receive a gift note💌
➻Eid Ul Adha➻
12th September 2016
➺❥In Shaa Allah (If Allaah wills) this is the day my Mother Ammi Jaan receive a gift note, “Here is the Hajj reward from behalf of your husband.” ❣

✂️👚The making of Eid dress part 2👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you doing! I hope you are doing well. Welcome to second and final part of making a Pleated dress with braided lace. If you are a new reader than you can read my first part of this project here - ✂️👚The making of Eid dress - part 1👚✂️ In this post I will explain how I like to make pleated skirt and braided lace for the dress (If you do not like to read then skip this to watch a video down below or you can see on right side of the page there is my Youtube play list Fashion designing' you can watch videos by clicking it) Let us start the making of my Eid dress part 2...

New Project ✂️👚The making of Eid dress part 1👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you doing! I hope you are doing well. Here is my new project in designing which I will call Pleated Dress with Braided Lace. I am going to share with you step by step how I made my Eid dress. I am excited to share with you some new ideas that I come up with (If you do not like to read then skip this to watch a video down below or you can see on right side of the page there is my Youtube play list Fashion designing' you can watch videos by clicking it) Let us start the making of my Eid dress...

🍲 Desi Bhindi (Okra) 🍲
My Desi Bhindi Recipe and a trick to make it in less time.
Very easy recipe for beginners.
🎥Vlog - Holidays in Halifax🎥

How you doing! I hope you are doing well. Here is a vlog of our holidays in Halifax. We had so much fun. I could not record everything but I hope you enjoy small clips that I manage to put together in this video (:
A ♡ O
CLICK - Vlog - Holidays in Halifax
My youtube channel - AnnieOmarThoughts
🎥Vlog | Summer Fairy Funny Moments🎥

How you doing! I hope you doing well. Here is the funny moment’s video when I was giving makeover to my niece. I hope you enjoy our extras and bloopers. If this cheer you up then please leave nice comments on my video because she is going to read thru. It will make her happy (:
Thank you for all the support beautiful's x!
Vlog Get ready with us funny moments
Thank you for all the support beautiful's x!
A ♡ O
My youtube channel - AnnieOmarThoughts
Vlog Get ready with us funny moments
💌Today I missed you!💌

"No, I am not okay... I miss you mom!"
I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life ♡ Words cannot express my feelings for losing you Ammi Jaan. I pray, for your peaceful sleep until you rise again. I pray, Allaah subhanahu WA ta'ala grants you Paradise in the Hereafter. I pray, that I sit beside you in Paradise. May Allah subhanahu WA ta'ala accept my pray Ameen Summa Ameen. I never ever can forget your pray and love for me. Everyday it reminds me that the door between us is now closed but I will be standing there with the bunch of pray for you' I cannot wait for it to be open ♡
"A mother understands what a child does not say"
"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever."
~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O
~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O
✂️👚 How to make Braided Headband from fabric – Ruffles and Roses -DIY👚✂️

How you are doing! I hope you doing well. Today I am sharing how to make braided headband from left over fabric. This headband was to go with summer fairy dress for my niece Minahil. Here are my previous posts related to this theme -
Here is the videos playlist which you can watch on -
✂️👚 How to make floral wristband from fabric - DIY👚✂️

How you are doing! I hope you doing well. Here is my another project in designing. This floral wrist band is very easy and fun to make in any style with fabric. It is the same way of making hair bobbin which I have explain in my previous post. You can read my previous post here - ✂️👚 How to make hair bobbin from fabric - DIY👚✂️
✂️👚 How to make hair bobbin from fabric - DIY👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you are doing! I hope you doing well. Today I will share with you my little experience of hair bobbins and how I come up with an idea of making them at home for my hair.

Actually I was working on my new project floral wristband for my niece and it reminded me the time. Floral wristband is the same way of making hair bobbin. I have practically shown in video which you can watch on -
My youtube channel - AnnieOmarThoughts

How you are doing! I hope you are doing well. I thought I would let you know a little bit on why I am so iffy about updating my blog, posting YouTube videos and not been on social media for past three weeks. When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up...
Taking time off of social media, means freeing up my time for other activities that are good for both brain and body. Stop letting others influence your self worth. I love writing and reading. I love sketching and creating. I tried my very hardest to read all of your beautiful posts and create more however at one point I couldn’t carry on. Thank you for not getting upset with me for not keeping a touch with all of you (the lovely chats on twitter) I really miss it.
"Sometime with some people, life adventures push them over the edge but it is totally depending on the strength of their feet. It is on us whether we want to give up or come forward and shine like a star in our own little World. I decided to make my own little world on blogger, just to share me, my thoughts with all of you Lovely people"
I wrote this quote last year. Last night I went through my diary and I read it, which bring another thought, do not stop to create your own little world on blogger, it just started.
It motivated me a little bit. I think I'm back! Hopefully I will try my fully best to get the same rhythm like before. I hope you haven't forgotten about me x!
A ♡ O

🍲 My go to dish Brinjal/Eggplant 🍲
This dish is a side dish, or it can be use as a vegetarian main dish
✂️👚The making of a summer fairy dress - part 3👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you are doing! I hope you doing well. Welcome to third and final series of making a summer fairy dress. The post that we all are waiting for, well do not know about you but I was really excited to finish this project and could not wait to finally share with you (:
If you are a new reader than you can read my previous series of this project here -
(If you do not like to read then skip this to watch videos. You can see on right side of the page there is my youtube play list Fashion designing' you can watch videos by clicking it)

✂️👚The making of a summer fairy dress - part 2👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you are doing! I hope you are doing well. Welcome to second series of making a summer fairy dress. If you are a new reader than you can read my first series of this project here - ✂️👚The making of a summer dress - part 1👚✂️ (If you do not like to read then skip this to watch a video down below or you can see on right side of the page there is my youtube play list Fashion designing' you can watch videos by clicking it). If you find flowers beautiful then you are going to love this post by looking at the pictures because even thou they were fake, I could not stop myself from taking pictures of them ((:

✂️👚The making of a summer fairy dress - part 1👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you are doing! I hope you doing well. Here is my new project in designing that I am working on. Normally I upload a post when it is finished. Unfortunately I could not complete it. I thought it is better to post process of my dress rather then no post at all. As you already know I am trying my fully best to keep up with the blog and youtube. Every Sunday at 5pm is my aim to post here and upload video on youtube. I recently started youtube, finding it bit hard to film my project then editing but I will get better in time In Sha Allaah (if Allaah willed) but posting on my blog every week I must do. Here is the making of a summer dress. I am really excited about this project (If you do not like to read then skip this to watch a video down below or you can see on right side of the page there is my youtube play list Fashion designing' you can watch videos by clicking it)

Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How are you doing! Today, I am going to show you how I have a nice At Home Spa / Pamper! Who don't love those? They are the best thing in the world, especially after a stressful moments. It's always good to pamper yourself. This is my monthly routine and I will also explain my weekly pampering as I go. Let us get to it!
Body exfoliation using a pumice stone
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
Today, I'm going to share with you the best thing in the world, Pumice stone!
Most people use scrubs to exfoliate facial skin but neglect the rest of their bodies. This results in lacklustre body skin. In fact, I used to do the same. However, a few years back, when I noticed waxing resulting in quite a lot of ingrown hair on my legs, I realised the importance of scrubbing skin all over while taking a shower.
✂️👚How to make cute skirt for cute girls👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
Today I am sharing how to sew a cute skirt for cute little girls. I come up with a different and easy idea. This skirt will look good on printed leggings or skinny jeans because it has a look of side cuts. I hope you like it (If you do not like to read then skip this to watch a video down below)

🍲🍗 CHICKEN KEBAB, simple and easy recipe 🍗🍲
Chicken Kebab Recipe And A Small Trick To Make Them In Perfect Shape
(Easy Recipe For Beginners Too)

✂️👚How to make Twist sleeves ✂️👚 ♡ Annie Omar Thoughts ♡
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
This is a part 2 of spring blazer post. This is a video of How to make twist sleeves. In my previous post I shared simple way to make blazer. I made twist sleeve on blazer. It was hard to explain in words so I am showing in this video how to I make it...
Previous post - How to make spring blazer with twist sleeves
A ♡ O
🎂 My first Blogiversary 🎂
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you are doing! Today, it means something completely different. It is my one-year blogiversary – one year online at this blog. Yay! I am constantly amazed that there are people who are interested in what I have to say and take the time to read. I know you read (: so THANK YOU to all of you who are reading this right now...
How you are doing! Today, it means something completely different. It is my one-year blogiversary – one year online at this blog. Yay! I am constantly amazed that there are people who are interested in what I have to say and take the time to read. I know you read (: so THANK YOU to all of you who are reading this right now...

✂️👚How to make spring Blazer with twist sleeves 👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you are doing! Today I am sharing in a very simple way to make blazer with the same dress chart that I posted in my previous post. I also come up with an idea of twist sleeve. If you have not read dress chart post yet then you must click - How to find your perfect fit. (If you do not like to read then skip this to watch a video down below)

✂️👚How to find your perfect fit👚✂️
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful People ♡
How you are doing! This post is about how to take your dress size measurements on a piece of paper and use it for any dress style. This is how I started making my own clothes. I am explaining with pictures and I will leave a link below for a video so get along...
Firstly, you will need these basic things...
Ruler, pen
Sharp dressmaking scissors
Any clear sheet (I use gift-wrapping paper)
Tape measure (preferably with cm and inches)A standard 150cm/60” length is fine unless you are very tall he-he I have these rulers but if you do not have simple ruler do the same job...

My Youtube channel
Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How you are doing! you already know from the title what this post is going to be and yes I have a youtube channel yay okay it sounds amazing but I am not very good with camera quality, lighting, editing and most importantly what is in the video. I just realise these are the things which youtuber suppose to be good at (he-he) but taking a step towards that I don't know anything about, is a great lesson to learn. Therefore, I took a step. My aim is to share my creating projects in a video too. What better way is other then YouTube right! The cool thing about this that I can share a video on my blog in my post (love this) am still learning youtube bits and bobs before watching please don't get your hopes high okay ha-ha I am only kidding...
How you are doing! you already know from the title what this post is going to be and yes I have a youtube channel yay okay it sounds amazing but I am not very good with camera quality, lighting, editing and most importantly what is in the video. I just realise these are the things which youtuber suppose to be good at (he-he) but taking a step towards that I don't know anything about, is a great lesson to learn. Therefore, I took a step. My aim is to share my creating projects in a video too. What better way is other then YouTube right! The cool thing about this that I can share a video on my blog in my post (love this) am still learning youtube bits and bobs before watching please don't get your hopes high okay ha-ha I am only kidding...
I am looking forward for your support. Do visit time to time and leave your thoughts. Please let me know my beautiful sisters what do you think and if anyone want to support eachother on youtube too then don't forget to drop your links below x!
A ♡ O
✂️👚From Old To New (Dress 2)👚✂️
♡ This is one of my requested project from Instagram follower (or I say kind woman) ♡
I was very excited to make this, firstly I love to create something new from old and secondly knowing that someone is waiting to read this (:
Pre warning this blog post is going to be long but you can quickly check it out how it looks in my style category - Lookbook or you can click on it here "Look book". 

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Annie Omar