Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people ♡
How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. Trousers can make in a number of different fabrics, including wool, tweed, linen, crepe, jersey and denim. They can be slightly hard to create because they require many accurate measurements and some dedicated time to design them. In this post, I will share a very simple and easy one way of making the trouser.

In my previous post, I shared the basics of cutting and stitching any dress/Asian Kameez that you can read here Cutting and stitching of any dress/Asian Kameez. So let us start with the trouser post. I am working on white cotton fabric. I iron the fabric then fold the cloth twice half way through (lengthwise) This gives me four layers.

First I mark the waist measurement plus two-inches seam allowance (normally waist should be four to five inches loose on trouser then your actual waist measurement) I like to keep a bit loose that is why I only added two-inches extra to my waist measurement.
Length measurement...
I draw a straight line on the length mark then I marked 2-inches seam allowance (for elastic band) and cut off the extra fabric.
Marking a point (front/back).

The hip/buttocks measurement plus 1-inch seam allowance.
The ankle measurement plus one inch seam allowance.
Joining the marks (inside leg)
I marked two and half inch ankle seam allowance for hemming.
Once I marked all the measurements, I cut out the trouser in shape.
I start cutting with the scissors from the ankles, inside leg then towards the hip.

Marking a point on the ankles also.
One more thing that I want to share is that this left over fabric from the inside leg (kind of in triangle shape) normally some people throw it in a bin but I like to keep it. The cut out fabric piece comes in handy to make bias tape. This is flexible to move around when sewing. I mostly use it to stitch a round necklines or any design with curves.

Since the hip measurement (towards waist) was the same size as the fabric in width, I did not cut it. For better fitting, it's only front two pieces (towards the crotch), suppose to cut in arbitrary position (if the waist measurement is 5 inches loose then actual size it is better to cut the front pieces).
(The cuts I made on waist and ankles) I fold and iron the cloth inwards to keep it in place.

Hemming the bottom of the trouser by ironing it first (it makes it easier to handstitch)

I unfold the legs and lay them one on top of the other (so the hemming faces outwards). I line them up and sew along the two shorter sides that stretch from waist to the groin point.
The waist (in folded section) I sew it to the body of the trouser, (in any point) Leaving space about 2-inches for elastic band to go through (around the waist of the trouser)

This is how it end up looking.
Inside of the trouser legs. Laying out trouser so that the legs fold in half. I sew the long seam starting at one ankle and finishing at the other (I do not stop at the groin)

I now have a complete pair of trousers. Just need to hemstitch the bottom of the trouser and add elastic. Normally I sew elastic band with the trouser but that can be complicated and I wanted to share the easy and simple way of making the trouser.

After hand-stitching the bottom of the trouser.

I use to think I am better in explaining when I write but somehow I realise after watching my videos that I don't explain enough. So please don't forget to watch a video. I hope you will find it helpful and get to make your own trouser. Do let me know on Twitter annie_omar if you ever make it or leave a comment on my video (: Positive vibes x!

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