Spring Pinks Kaftan, how to sew kafatn

This dress can make in less then forty minutes. How to make Kaftan?

How to make button loops


Making a fabric button with a button machine

Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people 
In this post and a video (down below) I am making fabric buttons at home with a Button Machine using the tool and the dice. This button tool is accompanied with three set of different size buttons each is having five units is called dice. Size 22, 30 and 40 along with there dice of five units. The five units i.e. bottom shell dice, spring, top shell dice with movable cap dice and a plunger.
To fix the tool, in plunger there is one screw. Tight with the screw so the plunger is stiffly insert in then joins with spring and bottom dice of the button on this plunger. The down part of the button shell dice is completely fixed and is now immovable.
To make the buttons, the top part of the button, which is flat, is call cap/shell and bottom button part we can call it loop button. First, we are going to cut any fabric in square/circle (size depend on the shell button) I folded my fabric so I can cut out multiply squares at once. Place the loop into the die. The loop is place down. Take the upper die and place the fabric onto the die. Then take your shell, place it onto the fabric and push the shell into the upper die. The fabric should wrap evenly around the shell. If not, push the extra fabric with finger inwards. It will look something like in this video. Place the upper die onto the lower die and pulled down on the handle. Remove the upper die you left with a perfect fabric button. It is that easy to make a fabric button. Each time it makes a single button. Now the buttons are ready to put into the project...
Using this button maker, you can create the matching buttons of your Garment. This was gifted to me form my mother (May she rest in heaven) It is easily available in sewing materials shops or you can purchase online website such as eBay and Amazon. Please try it. You would love to do it. Thank you so much for stopping by beautifuls, if you liked it please make sure to give a thumbs up and subscribe so you never miss a video when I upload. Also, let me know your thoughts in the comment section (: You can watch my DETAILED VIDEO

Always~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O

🎊500 subscribers🎊

I Hit 500 subscribers on youtube channel-AnnieOmarThoughts. I am so grateful to each and everyone who took their time to watch my videos, leaving nice comments/messages and clicking subscribe. Honestly, it is not a huge number but personally for me it is. All I share how I like to make my own dresses in easy way. They are not fun videos but yet there are 500 people who would like to see it. THANK-YOU for being here beautiful people. I hope that I inspire you to become your own dress designer. Thank you so much for sticking by ♡ I know the journey is long but if you see beautiful view through all of it then it's worth it (",) Positive vibes-Always Be Patient and positive~(•◡•)
#500subscriber yay!


🎥Marking And Cutting Floral Bomber Jacket🎥

Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people 
How are you doing! I hope you are doing well.
I know it is been so long I share my thoughts. Honestly, I would love to write but this usually happens when I think faster then I can speak so to cope up with the speed of this super fast train of thoughts, I try to think/speak faster and hence be stuck trying to find a word in my vocabulary. Then it takes me hours to write a post and by the time I am done, it feels like hitting rock bottom. To stay away from the abnormal thing I make myself busy, I put my mind in creating something that I love. I may not give time to my blog but giving time to youtube. In which I can easily record a video, edit and share. It really helps me mentally. Therefore, if I ever disappear from here you can always watch my videos. If you are interested to make your own clothes then I am sure you will find my fashion design videos very helpful.
In the past weeks I made a side pleats long dress
This Chiffon fabric was full of gorgeous beads and eye-catching embroidery, I decided to add only few pleats on hips that gives flare to the side of the dress looks elegant at the front/back too. If I add pleats none around the full waist then the embroidery will look as good as it is now. I made Sleeves very long too when wear it will gather nicely on wrist. In Pakistan it is called churi daar sleeves (cannot wear any bangles for sure with this designed sleeves) you can watch the detail process of making it here - PART 1 and PART 2Currently I am working on a bomber jacket

In the weekly progress on my youtube channel, I share detail process of making my own dresses. This floral linen fabric gifted to me from my sweet sister in law who lives in Pakistan. I decided to make a bomber jacket because of the gorgeous lilac colour and the beautiful flowers. I am sure it will look fresh in summer when the sun is shining bright. In this video, I shared how I mark and cut the bomber jacket. My next video of sewing it will be coming soon. There are very professional videos of how to make it but I shared the easiest and simple way of making, mine is linen fabric but this will work with any material. Thank you so much for stopping by beautifuls, if you liked it please make sure to give a thumbs up and subscribe so you never miss a video when I upload. Also, let me know your thoughts in the comment section (:
Always~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O

How I changed after losing my mother

The grieving process makes you do weird things. 
When I was a child, I always use to hold onto my mother scarf and stand next to her. I remember, holding her scarf was comforting for me. It was not the only scarf but the wing of her. It was the feeling that yes she is here to protect me if I just keep hold onto as strong as I can.
The changes with me that I have notice since losing my mother. I do not think my soul fully accepted that my Ammi Jaan is gone. The silence of her not calling me, myself not been able to see her is what it really hurts. My biggest worry in life was she because she was diagnose with hepatitis C when I was thirteen years old. I always prayed for her healthy life. My biggest fear was losing her.

One thing that change me is that I'm not afraid to die not that I want to die. I went through a stage when my mother was sick and I did wanted to go with her, I cried and packed my bags but I've passed that phase. Some of you may wonder after reading that I really wonder about the after life. I am a very spiritual person' I believe that there is God I believe there is heaven and good people are going to be in heaven so I pray more. Al-ḥamdu lillāh (thanks be to Allaah) for making me more close to you because I know that no one is going to be there but You.
Another thing that changed is that I am more scared of the nights because this is the time to go to bed. This is when I am alone, nobody’s there to comfort me. The darkness and the silence are so painful to me. That is the time when my thoughts come to me. When my mother was extremely sick' we my older brother Tahir (May you rest in peace) and myself was in hospital for seven days. Day and night, I was standing on my feet, trying my hardest to ignore mums in pain. Even though she was in pain she managed to keep a smile on her face' every time she wanted to turn a side she manage to give kiss on my cheek. This memory brings smile and tears. The painful memory that makes me more scared of the night is the voice of my older brother Tahir saying when she passed away, "take everything from me and give me my mother back." He loved her deeply maybe that is why he could not survive without her. How he managed to live a year only he and Allaah knows. May both of you rest in peace and May Allaah subhanahu WA ta'ala give you both a highest rank in Jannah Ameen.
Another thing I've notice in me different that if I heard someone had a fight or someone going through break up or someone having divorce I feel less sympathy, I use to have a lot of sympathy but this is how I feel now...  it's not a big thing you'll be alright. These things can replace with new things. It is not like losing a mother and brother. If you lose your mother, you will never be able to replace with another. Well I guess its right if you lose your mother you lose your mind. Another thing I have notice that I am losing energy. I use to be very energetic. Trust me there was a time when I did not wanted to get up from bed but I force myself to do so. There was a time when I use to finish my days of work in one day. There was a time when I use to write down to do things but now I am not thinking about the future. I am leaving everything on what comes let it be and just focus on the day. 
I am just sharing my inspirational thoughts with you. Maybe someone out there is going through with same feelings. Maybe this is one of the phase I am going through (I don’t know). I used to care so much. I use to fight for this. I tried my hardest to hold on. I do not know how my story will end. However, nowhere in my text will it ever read... "I gave up". Keep reminding myself to be patient to be positive. Share some of your thoughts and make sure to let me know too. Because trust me it really helps to know that you are not the only one. 
~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O


➺❥ Some days you will feel it is over. It's over so you can stop thinking. It's over for always think first before speaking out. It's over for stopping people to judge you. Tt's over, for justifying, for fighting alone... it's over!
Let it go. Just let this feeling go. When you let this feeling go, flow with the time then your thoughts will start to convert into beautiful words. Let this feeling go' you are more important than this negativity in you. Let an old feeling 'it's over' to take over new feeling 'it's a start'. Live your life with moments that motivates you so you can collect more happiness and spread along as you go. Let those people know that love is more powerful than hate. Let this feeling grow with positive thoughts. There is nothing you can do but to be positive, to be patient. Now take a step and work hard to push negative and pull positive.
And believe me when it is finally over it will worth ❣
~ Annie Omar.

Long Leg Pyjama

Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people 
How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. A comfortable pyjama for bedtime. Who does not want that? Designed using soft Linen fabric. This pyjama/bottoms will ensure me to have a comfy night (: Here is a step by step video x!
~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O

🎥Cute Jammies/Long Dress🎥

Asalam u alaiqum (peace be upon you) Beautiful people 
How you doing! I hope you are doing well.
A pretty pink dress for bedtime. Why not. This sweet long-sleeved design has dainty frills around the cuffs, while its classic shape is long enough to keep sleepy legs warm on the chilliest evenings. I made this dress out of a cotton fabric which is mention in my fabric haul postI made a systematic video on my youtube channel. Here is the video of how I made this dress. I hope you find it helpful x!
~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O

💌Our family chain is breaking💌

14 November 2016 
In the morning, I wake up from a deep sleep when someone knocked my door. It was my father in law, looked at me hugged me and said your brother Tahir is no more. My heart started to skip a beat' then my ears did not wanted to believe. I had to accept the bitter truth. My eyes were looking at the sky. My tears were fading my vision. My voice was trembling. I wanted to say a lot but I couldn’t. My tears said it all to the one Almighty who listens to you even when you do not speak out…
Last year 1st November 2015, the lost of our mother was a biggest lost of our family. I remember your words when you said with your trembling voice "Take everything from me and give me my mother back." Tahir bahi you were born to look after your mother. You could not survive without her. How you spend this one year without her only you and Almighty knows.
"Surely we belong to Allaah and to Him shall we return."
Tahir bahi Allaah subhanahu WA ta'ala give you peaceful sleep. May you get a place next to mother in Janat ul Fardos. May yours and mother soul meet together with smiles. May Allaah subhanahu WA ta'ala give your wife and children strength to cope with this difficult time Ameen Summa Ameen.
Honestly, my heart cannot take it. He was the brother who looked after me as his little sister. He loved me deeply. My tears cannot stop by looking at your children who will pray for you forever. All I want in my life is to ask from Allaah subhanahu WA ta'ala that we all meet together in Janat ul Fardos. Oh Allaah accept it' please accept it.
The hardest part of losing someone, is not having to say goodbye but learning to live without them.Your family needs more of your presence. Your time is the most valuable gift you can give to your loved ones...
~Be Patient Be Positive~ A♡O
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