Steel Boned Corset

✂️👚From Old To New (Dress 2)👚✂️

♡ This is one of my requested project from Instagram follower (or I say kind woman) 
I was very excited to make this, firstly I love to create something new from old and secondly knowing that someone is waiting to read this (:
Pre warning this blog post is going to be long but you can quickly check it out how it looks in my style category - Lookbook or you can click on it here "Look book"

🎀 Liebster Award Winner 🎀

Asalam u alaiqum(peace be upon you) Beautiful people!
In the past week, I have been nominated for the Liebster Award. This small acknowledgement meant so much to me, because as a blogger encourage me to want to keep on going on this wonderful journey, though I am still new, learning and growing in this blogging world. With the time I have had I meet some wonderful bloggers. This award allows acknowledging their work, which is why I am most excited to accept this.

We have always taught that it is the thought that counts and for me this is huge. When the wonderful lady Geet was kind enough to think and nominate me for this Liebster award. That is huge that I was one of five bloggers she thought of. It was an amazing surprise and I am seriously chuffed to bits. Must check out her blog at getalongwithgeet and follow her on Twitter @getalongwith_me she is very friendly. You always will be my first twitter friend. Thank you once again x! This post is going to be long because it is my first blog award and I want it to be special. This came at the perfect time. I am so grateful. The rules are that you answer the questions asked of you by the Blogger who gave you this award. This can be pretty challenging but fun to get to know each other better in the blog community and I am definitely up for it!
(In the end I will explain to those who do not know what Liebster Award really is, so be relaxed and keep reading)

Here are Geet five questions...

Who inspired you to start writing?
When I was 14 years old, I started writing my diary. The things I could not share with anyone else I shared with my diary. If someone read my notes they probably saw them dancing around on a piece of paper because it did not make any sense ha-ha. Honestly, my English is not great but I do try my best to make people understand me. To cut this short I think loneliness inspired me to start writing again. There were many thoughts in my head. One night to get away from them I started converting into quotes. Next morning I upload on Instagram where some lovely people liking it and giving me direct messages if they can copy or share. This encourages me more and I started this blogger site to share my thoughts and many more.

Describe your blog in three words?

Ok my dear! Three words is a thinker. My blog originally started to share my Inspirational thoughts as I learned to do things but in recent months it has become my go-to place for posting about the things. It is about Life, fashion and motivation.

What is your favourite thing to on a holiday?
A family who travels together is everlasting memory for me but due to my husband work schedules, now it is hard to go out of the country much. Therefore, we make our weekends the best holiday. One take out, list of movies and baked cake is on our table but nothing beats a long drive at night in PJ's, not knowing where we going to end up.

What is the one thing which cheers you up?

I may not be such a cheerful person, but I definitely cannot remain in a truly bad mood when I am thinking of creating something and what touches me the most is that when it is right in front of me.

Name few people you love following on twitter?
To be honest I was not a big fan of twitter but recently am liking it (lets see how long that last ha-ha) I have found and come across with so many lovely people (hint hint you know who you are) There are loads now but writing over here will take hours to finish but I can mention those who I like following from the moment I started using this app are:
I would like to mention few more who approach me with their lovely messages and it really helped me to start connecting and sharing with other bloggers and YouTubers. Make sure to follow them and get along on a fun ride.

I thought I add a little more spice to it so we get to know each other more. Make sure to add your 20 facts I will be very happy to read them (.

  • My real name is an Arabic. Annie is my nickname.
  • I can sketch/paint.
  • I love to create something new from old. You can create anything from everything.
  • I like to sew and design something different. Self taught (I use to look at my mothers sewing)
  • I am writing my own book (sometime my words are hard to understand but if you go deep you will find a deep meaning)
  • I can make friends easily, strange part is I do not have any (may be that is why I am addicted to social media. appreciate you all)
  • I Love food and the whole gang but if you just provide me bread and tea I happily survive for month’s (-:
  • If I am cleaning everything have to be perfect.
  • I know you personally, you cannot hide anything from me. Even if you do, things will open by itself in front of me ((: Alhumdulillah (Thanks to God) giggling while saying this believe me when I say it.
  •  No one can change my thinking except me.
  • If I am in pain, you will not see it until I show you.
  • I have a green beauty spot |:
  • I am VERY moody when I am not well.
  • My inspiration is my Mother.
  • I love travelling different places but my record is 3 months for not going out of the house😎
  • Yes, I am a homemaker but I still have routine.
  • If any poor come to me while eating, you will see me giving up my food (unless I am VERY hungry ha-ha-)
  • I like reading and when I find something beneficial, I love to share (sometime my reading schedule gets hard due to stupid migraine)
  • If you see children, playing around you might not recognise me.
  • We have been married for eleven years “ma sha’Allah” but still waiting for our door to be open. We have faith.

What exactly is the Liebster Blog Award? An nomination for a Liebster blog award. What does this mean?
The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 1000 readers or 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”. This award is the “favorite blog award.”  Other meanings for ” Liebster” which include sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.   All very positive things that make me smile.

The Rules!
If you have nominated for The Liebster Award and you choose to accept it, write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you: Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you. They will thank you for it and those who you nominate will help you out as well. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)

Nominate 5 or more blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less readers/followers. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.) You answer the questions asked of you by the Blogger who gave you this award.

Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
Inform the people/blogs that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your. If you don’t have all the information so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!) like me First I was all confused but later I searched about this and find this information. I thought I will write this in post so it will be easier for you lovelies whom I have nominated (:

Questions for my nominees.
Your 11 questions are as follows:
  • Four words to describe you.
  • Who is your inspiration?
  • What song is stuck in your head at this very moment?
  • If you could talk with one person alive or not, who would it be and what would you discuss?
  • What motivates you to blog?
  • How long does it usually take you to finish a blog post?
  • Link your most favourite post you have written and tell us why is your favourite?
  • If you were to name three goals for your blog to achieve this year, what would they be?
  • What is the greatest achievement you have received as a blogger?
  • What three novels would you recommend to anyone because you could not put them down?
  • What are you most looking forward to about this bright and shiny New Year 2016?
I nominate these wonderful bloggers.
This is a blog where she likes to share her thoughts on travel, books and film. I love reading her posts (Assia I may not comment on your post much but I always will be your secret blog lover he-he if you remember you are my very first blog commenter. I was going thru emotional time and your words pushed me towards faith)...

A blog about self help strategies and ways to benefit mental health (you were very kind to invite me to do a guest post. I will always be thankful for it). Guest blogging is a great way to build up more traffic to your blog. If your interest in guest blogging then make sure to check its information to help you make a decision.

Danni - ButtonBaker

This blog is about Baking. Beauty. Photography, random joys in life. (I loved your Crème egg brownie recipe when I looked at it my hand actually went to pick it up but through my laptop it was not possible ha-ha-ha) I will definitely give a go to make it.

Sana - Makeupoholics
Passionate about beauty, fashion, lifestyle, photography and travelling (The fact I am living in UK but I can see my hometown from your posts (-]

Sindhu - Withlovesindhu
A blog about skincare, DIY, beauty, home organisation and decor! She really is a pinks. I enjoy visiting your blog please write more often ):

Victoria - Vanityandmodesty
 Blogging about her infatuations with style, beauty, and décor. She is a self-professed do it yourself, photographer and writer (I love the quality of your pictures and the way you organize it (:

These bloggers are just a few of the many amazing blogs that I have come across the past months. Thank you once again for this; I look forward to seeing this award passed on by these and many more. I feel so happy and proud to be a part of this beautiful world of blogging. I have an amazing time to write this post. I can only feel excited to keep on going...

Thank you once again Geet, You are a sweetheart and have fun beautiful people! I look forward to seeing all your blog posts. I hope you will enjoy my blog, and maybe feel a bit inspired. I greatly enjoy comments and feedback, so if you feel the need to say (or ask) something, please don’t hesitate to do so! Positive vibes x!
A ♡ O

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