💌 Going Abroad To See My Mother.. Need Your Help! 💌
I am not active on my blog because of many thoughts running around in my head I can not figure it out where to start and what to do? Taking bit by bit will help a lot says on internet! As some of you know that my mother my Ammi Ji is not well (you can read my previous post HERE) Read it please because only then you will understand this post and can help me out. Yes, I really really need your help.
My Blogger Template!
If you haven't notice so let me tell you that recently I have redesign my blog. I will leave the link below make sure to check that out. They offer templates for both Blogger and WordPress. After you know what kind of template you need, you can choose a design from their Blogger Templates.
Once my order was completed, immediately after my purchase I receive a link to download my template. I open the file that I've downloaded. Inside, there is a detailed instruction manual that walk me through every step of the installation process. To install the template I upload a single file into my blog, just follow the installation instructions to set up all of the widgets and then adjust the template to your needs. Have in mind that blog template only changes the design of your blog. All your existing content will remain active.I'm glad that you can still customise it. Honestly I didn't know anything I literally were panicking that how I will do it but now look at my blog template I'm actually quite impressed (: They give you live demo on their website which shows how it will look on your blog that I've really enjoyed while searching and finally I've purchased Blogger Template,
Although this template requires no customisation and will customise to your blog once uploaded but I did customise a lot to my own liking. I've given the new look to my blog, just need to fix my domain name too. Slowly, I will do other bits and bobs(hoping I use this sentence correct lol). If you are new to blogger I highly recommend you to purchase your blogger template, you don't have to spend money you can spend your time and figure all out by yourself, get information from google or watch tutorials like I spent hours when I first started but for a quick step it's worth it. I'm still new to it but I'm looking forward to explore more. Any questions? I'll be happy to answer. I am happy to give new look to my hobby!
Women! And My Mothers Health update
Being a woman is hard and I know some of you will agree with me and some of you will not. Just go back and think of the time when we were little, how wonderful that life was?
Not to worry about this thing is that sometime bother us. I am not going to say these things here however we both know in which situations we were and we are. If you are going through hard times I just want you to know that, grab the rope as tight as you can and keep your trust on your hands not on the rope because it's on us who can change everything not the things. And if you were in those situations please let the people know that, “wishes can come true if we have faith.”
Childhood is the best time of our life, don't you agree? Yes, my childhood was like yours, like a baby smile. I have three brothers and no sister. I wanted a sister to play with dolls, going to the school for the first time, as growing sharing a lot of stuff, asking for advice I mean all girly things. I'm not going to say that I was unlucky to not have her because GOD(ALLAAH) give me more than all, I found every relation in my mother I call her Ammi Ji and for my brothers I was their little life. I was and am truly blessed Thanks to ALLAAHﷻ.
My father use to work in Abhu Dhabi, come home after one year some times after two years for one-month holiday. He is a very hard worker, thoughtful and a loving person. I was my family deeply wished. Daddy love me A LOT! I was not scared from him but my brothers were ha-ha-ha. I remember when daddy comes home I use to stay awake till late night for my brother. He makes me sit in his room with little jam on bread. You can watch a TV and that was a big treat for me because we use to have one nice TV and it was in his room. His room was on front side of the house. At the time, we never use to have separate keys so before he goes out with his friends, always explain to me that when I come back I will throw three stones on the window one by one which means come out and open the door. Hilarious right? Good days.
Back in the days when Daddy and Ammi ji had a tough time, they use to sew other people clothes like shirts, trousers, tents etc. My Mother use to work at nights. One cup of tea, little drops of milk just to give her more energy to stay awake. I also had another brother name Ateeq. Ateeq bahi who I never met. He was one years old when passed away. Due to lack of water in his body. My parents could not save him but they well tried. No own relative was there to help. My father and mother didn't have money to buy shroud for him, my mother was crying thinking what to do. Suddenly her true friend appears, while she was giving sympathy hug to my mother she drop some money in her shirt. Until this day whenever my mother thinks of that moment I see tears in her eyes. It is easy to say and write here but they went through this, how? I do not know! All I can say I WISH I was there ))':
My mother is my inspiration, I've always seen a smile on her face even when she was feeling down and do you know why she use to do that? For us, for her children and you know how hard it is to put a smile on a face when your heart is full of tears. I am just trying to encourage the one whose going through tough time, be positive even when things are going negative. There is nothing we can do but to “think Positive and have faith."
If you read my previous post, you know that my mother is very ill. Again, she is going through hard time however I see a smile on her face every time I talk to her on skype. Yes, she is awake from coma, she is eating on her own, at the moment she got Ascites so she gets breathless when talk. Doctors said slowly but she will recover hopefully. Please do keep her in your prayer There are million of us who can become one. Also I would like to thank each and every one of you who read my post and prayed!
Moreover, I remember I need to update about my beach dress that I mentioned in my mini summer haul. Just not in the mood to sew but I will post it soon.
Not to worry about this thing is that sometime bother us. I am not going to say these things here however we both know in which situations we were and we are. If you are going through hard times I just want you to know that, grab the rope as tight as you can and keep your trust on your hands not on the rope because it's on us who can change everything not the things. And if you were in those situations please let the people know that, “wishes can come true if we have faith.”
Childhood is the best time of our life, don't you agree? Yes, my childhood was like yours, like a baby smile. I have three brothers and no sister. I wanted a sister to play with dolls, going to the school for the first time, as growing sharing a lot of stuff, asking for advice I mean all girly things. I'm not going to say that I was unlucky to not have her because GOD(ALLAAH) give me more than all, I found every relation in my mother I call her Ammi Ji and for my brothers I was their little life. I was and am truly blessed Thanks to ALLAAHﷻ.
Yes, now I talk about it but how they spend their restless days and nights without food, we cannot even begin to imagine. This was before daddy got a job in Abu Dhabi. how did he got the job? How he lived there with nothing in his hands? How Ammi ji lived without him in Pakistan and how she managed to make us stand on our feet it's an whole another story, in simple words it was very hard for them. Nevertheless, yes God show mercy on his people when they had enough. THANKS TO ALLAAH.
Obviously, we grown up in a lower class family then become a middle class family. We did not have huge expectations from someone but yes, we tried to give a lot, the best we could do. When I was 11 years old I grew up in an environment where there was " happy days."
Few things I have shared with you that my parents went through but I know there are million scares on my parent’s heart, which words cannot take.
Few things I have shared with you that my parents went through but I know there are million scares on my parent’s heart, which words cannot take.
If you read my previous post, you know that my mother is very ill. Again, she is going through hard time however I see a smile on her face every time I talk to her on skype. Yes, she is awake from coma, she is eating on her own, at the moment she got Ascites so she gets breathless when talk. Doctors said slowly but she will recover hopefully. Please do keep her in your prayer There are million of us who can become one. Also I would like to thank each and every one of you who read my post and prayed!
Moreover, I remember I need to update about my beach dress that I mentioned in my mini summer haul. Just not in the mood to sew but I will post it soon.
💌 My Mother I Call Her Ammi Jaan Is Fighting For Life! 💌
Just a pre-warning. This post is going to be very depressing and emotional.
My mother has been diagnosed with hepatitis C for 16 years, she is going through with Hepatic Encephalopathy (is the occurrence of confusion, altered level of consciousness and coma because of liver failure. In advanced stages, it is call hepatic coma; it may ultimately lead to death)
Thirty percent of patients dying of hepatitis C will experience Hepatic Encephalopathy.
As some of you might know I live in UK and my parents live in Pakistan, they have visited several times here.
My blessed and wonderful mother has been through so much in her life, passed two years she been struggling to walk on her own that it is a wonder she is still alive Alhumdulillah. She's already depressed from all she'd been through still when she's awakened from a deep sleep )': she says I am all right with a smile.
At 11:20 pm my father phoned from Pakistan I missed his call, he left a message on the answering machine, "day before your mother was not feeling well we decided to take her to the hospital. Doctor suggested to keep her in for couple of days. He gave her injection and some medicines, she was feeling better. However, few hours later she was struggling to breath, her blood pressure went down to 20 she couldn't open her eyes. Doctor said she is critical but we are trying our best. You do your best to keep her in your prayers."
Every tick on a clock, felt like a billion years for me. I wanted to be with her so badly and I could fly but Pakistan NHS is not free, could really use this money for her medications or for food? That's all my mind was telling me. I talked with my brothers and sister in laws and they said, have faith and keep praying. Do not worry we are all here for her everything will be okay. However, deep down you know it that nothing can replace a daughter and a mother's bonding.
I know some of you might think it's stupid to blog when you are going through hard time but I know it will make me a little less depressed if I share my feelings. I don't know or may be? I called several times and my daddy finally said that Ammi ji opened her eyes with a little smile on her face. She is still in the hospital doctors are trying their fully best to keep her healthy. I cannot wait to hear her voice! The feeling I have words cannot take it just want to say a little bit more...
If you are with your mother run towards her, hug her tight and say thank you. Show her how much she means to you tell her how much you love her. Appreciate her for everything she did for you. You do not know how lucky you are. You do not know what she been through' only for you. You do not know how many times she sacrifices her feelings' only for you. Always put a smile on your face when you see her. Always keep your tone polite towards her. Do you remember your mothers face when you were little? That smile towards you, that politeness towards you. Do you remember your first ache? How she spend her endless nights only for you. I can go on and on but you know it all, you know what needs to be done so don't wait for the right timing, just do It.
And PLEASE keep my mother my Ammi Jaan in your prayers ❤️
My mother has been diagnosed with hepatitis C for 16 years, she is going through with Hepatic Encephalopathy (is the occurrence of confusion, altered level of consciousness and coma because of liver failure. In advanced stages, it is call hepatic coma; it may ultimately lead to death)
Thirty percent of patients dying of hepatitis C will experience Hepatic Encephalopathy.
As some of you might know I live in UK and my parents live in Pakistan, they have visited several times here.
My blessed and wonderful mother has been through so much in her life, passed two years she been struggling to walk on her own that it is a wonder she is still alive Alhumdulillah. She's already depressed from all she'd been through still when she's awakened from a deep sleep )': she says I am all right with a smile.
At 11:20 pm my father phoned from Pakistan I missed his call, he left a message on the answering machine, "day before your mother was not feeling well we decided to take her to the hospital. Doctor suggested to keep her in for couple of days. He gave her injection and some medicines, she was feeling better. However, few hours later she was struggling to breath, her blood pressure went down to 20 she couldn't open her eyes. Doctor said she is critical but we are trying our best. You do your best to keep her in your prayers."
I quickly phoned back so I can talk to her. My dad put the phone close to her ear I said with my trembling voice, as-salamu alaykum "the peace be upon you" Ammi ji! I couldn't hear her. I said it again, app kaisy hain Ammi ji? (how are you) Before I could hear her my dad took the phone away and said she got tears in her eyes but struggling to breath so can not say anything. Don't cry and pray for her, doctors are trying their best.
I do not have friends, the ones I used to have are busy in their life. I have a small family around however they are also busy in their work. I live alone at home. My husband and father in law goes to work. I have one waiting phone call and that's my mothers. When she calls, we talk for hours. Not to hear her voice back it was very painful for me. My husband said keep your head up and pray! Pray is the best medicine for her at this moment.
If you are with your mother run towards her, hug her tight and say thank you. Show her how much she means to you tell her how much you love her. Appreciate her for everything she did for you. You do not know how lucky you are. You do not know what she been through' only for you. You do not know how many times she sacrifices her feelings' only for you. Always put a smile on your face when you see her. Always keep your tone polite towards her. Do you remember your mothers face when you were little? That smile towards you, that politeness towards you. Do you remember your first ache? How she spend her endless nights only for you. I can go on and on but you know it all, you know what needs to be done so don't wait for the right timing, just do It.
And PLEASE keep my mother my Ammi Jaan in your prayers ❤️
Mixed-Gadgets Professional Rotatable Retractable Tripod.
Ever want to take a picture with your iphone? Want to use your own tripod to make a movie? You can do all that just put your phone into the holder and capture the fun.

It have it's own caring pouch in black...
Material: Aluminium Alloy. This is kind of a cheap material, its not a plastic but it's a cheap metal stainless kind.

This tripod supports digital camera, card camera and smart phone. Help take high quality scene or group photos without motion and long time human hand holding(which is why I bought it). Up here it have three way pen head so this is really nice, (in picture the screw right on top of big blue flower) when you unscrew its going to turn it 360 degrees in different directions which is really nice for positioning and you can screw that on its going to be lock in very tight. There is another lock mechanism which can go up and down if you want to shoot in some different directions and you can lock it in. Another unique feature about this it has built in level that means you can line it up make sure that your pictures level so you don't have to do any photoshop or cropping and rotate it so its going to be level when you take it. Its got that quarter inch screw so you can do anything with the quarter inch screw you can use your gopro camera and it just kind of like a stabilizer so you don't have to use it with your hands. See that handle on the right is a little kind of pin head so you can move it around you can unscrew that as well and what that does it makes it go up and down and you can twist it back up and its going be locked in that position but its really nice that you can still work with it in different directions so you can get some smooth video or pictures whatever you taking.

3-way head, built-in level, 3 section extendable legs, quick level rock, rubber legtip. Extendable legs you can push as far as it goes, it's not like a big tripod or heavy duty it doesn't go too far you can lock those ends very easy you can do that for all three of them, they have these rubber feet its not going to come off its going to help you to make it stable and doesn't scratch your surface. Its not big at all I don't recommend this if you trying to film something on a heavy duty camera, stage or hill etc because it doesn't go up high its there to you know stabilized it. Height wise it goes up to 39 to 40 inches. So over all its a very budget friendly tripod that have lots of different features, I totally recommend this for the beginners photograph lovers, for the couples, blog lovers, a group of friends selfies or for a fun video at home.

I recommend you to get this anyway, I think its £2.99 my husband got this for me long time ago. Bluetooth remote control camera photo shutter for apple iPhone 5s 5c 5 4s 4 ipad 5 4 3 2 ipad mini ipad air ipod/samsung galaxy S5 S4 S3 S2 note 3 2 1 tab2 note8 10.1/moto X/neus 4 5 7/Xiaomi 1 2 3- Fashinable design for your cool self portait.
Sorry about lighting in the pictures, it's a rainy and cloudy days in UK. I'll get better at it. I can't wait to use this tripod from now on, I know it will save me time and more full selfies of me and my behalf together. Any questions I'll be happy to answer! Hope you'll find it useful. I purchased this product from Amazon Mixed-Gadgets Professional Rotatable Retractable Tripod stand holder.
You can use this for;
Sony Gopro camera iPhone 6 5 5S 5C Samsung Note 2 3 Smart Cell Phone.
rrp: £15.99
Postal and packing: £3.30
Total cost: £19.29
Day 2 night Mascara
A magical wand for us beautiful girls (*:

Multi-tasking, 2 in 1 mascara is in black and has a brush wand. I've always been a brush wand girl. I just feel it grips the eyelashes more. I really like the outcome, it definitely divides the lashes and it really multiples. Top cap brush wand, I like this for an everyday natural look as it really does look like you have naturally black, pretty lashes. I would recommend this to younger girls who might be wearing mascara to school. It wears well throughout the day and doesn't look too dramatic and doesn't clump. Personally, I love my lashes to be lengthened a little more, which the bottom cap do the job.
The picture with three coats and to be honest you can go on and on for dramatic look :D

These are just my personal views, I've purchased this from boots and wanted to share it with you! You can find this product online or in boots shop.
Top cap: Ultra-lengthened lashes.
Bottom cap: Thickens lashes with voluptuous.
ROP: £ 7.99
Shoulder wrap top, From Old To New
My Cushy Top Three ways to wear it and easy to make it with any material.
A tip, don't throw old scarves.

I made from my old saari palu (lose end) #throwback. If you don't know what saari is? It is a consisting of a very long piece of thin cloth wrapped around the body, a dress worn especially by South Asian women. I don't wear them now but few of the saari's was gifted on my wedding day. I wore them few times, later it was sitting in my cupboard for a very long time. I decided to renew it so I come up with this idea years ago. Sorry about the quality, wanted to share it anyway because could not get rid of it from my phone ha-ha. My "Cushy top" yes, I name it too he-he.
Best time to fulfil your wishes
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Our Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, comes down to the lowest heaven every night when the last third of the night is left, and He says: ‘Who will call upon Me, that I may answer him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will ask Me for forgiveness, that I may forgive him?’”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1094) and Muslim (758).
So he should say du’aa’ at this time the time of the divine descent, and this is a time when du’aa’s are answered.
❤️Ask GOD Everything❤️
Ramadan introduction
1436 AH STARTED 18 June 2015
Ramadan; Arabic: رمضان Ramaḍān, also transliterated as Ramadhan, Ramazan and Ramzan) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting to commemorate the first revelation of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).This annual observe is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
The month lasts 29–30 days based on the visual sightings of the crescent moon, according to numerous biographical accounts compiled in the hadiths.
The month lasts 29–30 days based on the visual sightings of the crescent moon, according to numerous biographical accounts compiled in the hadiths.
The word Ramadan comes from the Arabic root ramiḍa or ar-ramaḍ, which means scorching heat or dryness. Fasting is fardh ("obligatory") for adult Muslims, except those who are suffering from an illness, travelling, are elderly, pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic or going through menstrual bleeding. Fasting the month of Ramadan was made obligatory (wājib) during the month of Sha'aban, in the second year after the Muslims migrated from Mekkah to Medina.
While fasting from dawn until sunset, Muslims refrain from consuming food, drinking liquids, smoking, and engaging in sexual relations with one's spouse. Muslims are also instructed to refrain from sinful behavior that may negate the reward of fasting, such as false speech (insulting, backbiting, cursing, lying, etc.) and fighting. Food and drink is served daily, before dawn and after sunset. Spiritual rewards (thawab) for fasting are also believed to be multiplied within the month of Ramadan. Fasting for Muslims during Ramadan typically includes the increased offering of salat (prayers) and recitation of the Qur'an.
❤️A Peaceful Month❤️
Favourite Lipstick Medora Rose and Maybelline Sunlight Forever
My two favourite colour which basically stayed with me since I got addicted to makeup are Medora Rose Gypsy (Matte 222) and Maybelline Sunlight Forever (Peachy Sheen 605)
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Medora lipsticks are made in Pakistan Swat and are available in Pakistan at drug stores or shops that carry makeup products. Living in UK? you can still get it online from eBay.
I personally love these lipsticks, they have a matte finish which I prefer as I have thin lips. When I came across the Medora lipsticks I instantly fell in love because they were all that I wished for plus they came in such unique shades. Shimmery, glittery, matte and frosted. Gypsy Red is my most worn Red lipstick as it has a great staying power and is the most low maintenance Red lippy with a gorgeous deep red shade. I just love it.
Peachy sheen use to be my almost everyday lippy as it has a very smooth and natural kind of look. A lovely luminous lipstick that lasts well. This remarkable formula contains high shine pearlescent spheres to add an amazing, luminous sheen to your lips. I am really bummed that this colour was discontinued. Does anyone know how I can get more? Maybelline definitely needs to bring it back! It's so pretty feels so good on your lips!! I still be a big fan of this colour.
I must say the only thing I don't like about Medora is that we don't have FDA/quality check. I can't find which ingredients they used in the product but I can say that I've been using their lipsticks for more then 8 years and so far I am happily surviving from allergic reaction ha-ha-ha also good for the price.
Here is a little tip, if your favourite lipstick is about to be discontinued, buy a few sticks and freeze them. Trust me it works. To squeeze some extra life out of your lipstick, store it in the fridge, it will last longer. Don't use makeup past its expiration date. Whenever you buy makeup and there is no expiration date, stick a piece of tape on the back and date it so that you’ll know when it’s expired. These were just a few tips that I always do it with my lippy's (: Have a Great weekend.
Sometimes it is the simple things that satisfy the most
As far as I know! Everyone grocery list, fruit is the one item. Fruit should be everyone fast food. Olden days, I remember how my mother use to force me to eat and I always try sneaking out hiding in cupboards, behind the door or under the bed. It is a thinker now that those hiding places have become very popular nowadays (".)
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However, now I love fruit, I cannot get enough of them. I love all but everyone have their favourites so mine is Banana, Strawberrieees, Kiwi (only if they are sweet)
Well I hope you are as pleased with my creation as I am!
❤️ Cherish Yourself First So You Can Do It For Others ❤️
How to make hair removal wax at home
I know that most of you will already know this, however for those that don't know I thought I would share my experience with some of my thoughts (:
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Lemon Juice, Sugar and my secret ingredient (; |
My Little Experience Of Learning Things!
There was a time when I struggle with it. 19 years young living in the UK and hardly knows anyone other then my own family. I find it very hard to find good salons, to book an appointment, to go out shopping. Slowly but surely I took a step towards it, getting all basic things done, facial and hair treatments done. However, all the expenses towards it made me think if only I could do everything myself!
The money I can put towards someone who need the most. I mean come on is it not important for a person who have not eaten well for days? The thought pinched my heart and I took a step towards myself. I started searching on internet and let me tell you Google is my best friend ha-ha-ha
One morning I just picked up a scissor and chopped my hair off. At first, I was as okay this is not so bad I have very long hair I can give another go. I actually trim my own hair I was so excited,"yes I did it."
Picking up a thread and learning threading on your moustache? Maybe it's not a great idea ((: A tip: practice on your clean leg. The more you practice the more you will learn. Slowly I have learned to do everything that beautifies me. You can do anything the way you want. Trust me I'm not just saying it I have experienced it. "You do not need a Teacher in everything, you are your own best Teacher." By the way, do you like my Quote?
My best Friend!
I have a Best Friend and He can be your friend too.
You know Him. He was with you from the day you were born. Do you remember?
You can walk on your feet, you can eat with your hands, you can see from your eyes, you can hear from your ears, you can feel your heart beating and that is all because of my Friend. He helped you through all this time. Do you remember Him now? You thought it was only your Mother and Father who helped you rise. Your neglecting behaviour made Him upset. However, my Friend is still behind that door called repentance waiting for you to come and give His thing that you owe Him. Do you know what that is?
"Thank you."
Yes, after all of this He just wants a thank you from you.
I thank Him five times a day.
I do not eat for 29/30 days.
I help those who are in need.
I love who He love the most.
Do you know what is my Friend name?
Do you know who I am?
A Muslim!
I hope you like reading my poem. Annie Omar.
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Annie Omar